ISSN 0201-7385. ISSN 2074-6636
En Ru
ISSN 0201-7385. ISSN 2074-6636
The category of connectivity as the key to the text competence of the future translator

The category of connectivity as the key to the text competence of the future translator


The report will address practical issues of the level of formation of textual competence, based on the concept of text theory, which pays great attention to the category of coherence, since it provides a structural and compositional sequence of presentation. In the Chinese audience, when teaching text formation in Russian, there are serious problems concerning both objective factors (the initial discreteness of the text and the difference in language systems) and subjective ones (a low level of analytical abilities, insufficient confidence in their own creative abilities). The importance of this category is difficult to overestimate, because it has a multidimensional, interdisciplinary nature and should become a unifying principle in the development of curricula and programs for future translators in the courses of “Practical Stylistics,” “Theory and Practice of Translation,” “Business Communication,” “Introduction to Linguistics,” etc. Not only does such interdependence of diff erent academic disciplines in teaching foreign languages develop students’ analytics, but it also increases the level of their creativity, which largely determines the competitiveness and demand for future specialists next to computer intelligence.


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PDF, ru

Received: 11/20/2022

Accepted: 12/20/2022

Accepted date: 15.02.2023

Keywords: text competence, category of connectivity, interdisciplinarity, analytical abilities

DOI: 10.55959/MSU2074-6636-22-2022-4-99-107

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Issue 4, 2022