ISSN 0201-7385. ISSN 2074-6636
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ISSN 0201-7385. ISSN 2074-6636
Intercultural communication in the North Caucasus historical and cultural region and its main ethnolinguistic features

Intercultural communication in the North Caucasus historical and cultural region and its main ethnolinguistic features


This article is devoted to the study of the problems of intercultural communication in the North Caucasian region. The relevance of the study lies in a detailed diachronic analysis of the historical, cultural and ethnolinguistic features of the interaction between representatives of Russian culture and the culture of the peoples of the Caucasus. The aim of the study is a diachronic analysis of the main aspects of interaction between the peoples of the North Caucasus and the Russian Empire, starting from the second half of the 18th century and ending with the problems of present-day intercultural communication. For a comprehensive analysis, the works of Russian historians, sociologists and linguists are used as a reference material in the work, in addition to the diachronic approach, some approaches of foreign cultural scientists are used. The results of the study are reflected in the comparison of the historical, cultural and ethnolinguistic features of cultural polymorphism in the North Caucasian historical and cultural region, carried out using the integration approach of T. Adorno. To maintain the principles of historicism and objectivism, a historical source is used, viz. “The latest geographical and historical news about the Caucasus” by S.М. Bronevsky, contemporary with the events described. Bronevsky not only prepared most of the material on the Russian-Persian, Russian-Turkish and Russian-Caucasian treaties by the beginning of the second stage of the Caucasian War, but also left comments regarding the ethnolinguistic features of the content of these documents. For example, their inconsistency or the incompetence of Russian translators. The historical experience of modern historians I. F. Blaramberg and Yu.Yu. Klychnikov provides further underpinnings. On the basis of the studied material on the 18th and 19th centuries in relation to the southern political direction, a brief description of the modern ethnic and sociolinguistic features of the region is given.


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Received: 02/28/2022

Accepted: 11/11/2022

Accepted date: 15.11.2022

Keywords: Caucasian culture, intercultural communication, ethnolinguistic features, linguo-mental complex, autochthonous culture, cognitive-value system, value attractor

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Issue 3, 2022