ISSN 0201-7385. ISSN 2074-6636
En Ru
ISSN 0201-7385. ISSN 2074-6636
Explicit phonology errors in dubbed film translation

Explicit phonology errors in dubbed film translation


Dubbing demonstrates annoying explicit errors at the phoneticphonological level. The article analyzes phonological errors in dubbing. The article identifies accentuation errors at the word and the sentence levels alike. The paper identifies their causes and influence on the audience’s reception in interlanguage and intercultural contact. The work uses general scientific observations on empirical material based on logical methods of analysis and synthesis, generalization and abstraction, the method of quantitative analysis, as well as private scientific linguistic methods of descriptive, interpretive, comparative and contextual analysis. This methodological framework ensures the reliability of the results obtained. The empirical base consists of linguistic facts extracted from the British TV series “Agatha Christie. Poirot”. The article reveals errors in the phonological organization of sounding speech at the segmental and prosodic levels. The variability of localization of the verbal accent affects 4 linguistic units (anthroponyms and toponyms), represented by different versions, and violates the requirement of accuracy of interlanguage transmission of precision information. Prosodic organization is distorted and implemented as a shift in the localization of phrasal emphasis and deviation from syntagmatic division. The implicit transfer of these aspects of prosody in a written text leads to deviations from the expected communicative effect. The variability of verbal stress and phrasal accentuation leads to a distortion of the semantics, syntactic structure and pragmatics of the film text. Due to their explicit nature, these errors represent communication failures and complicate reception, requiring the viewer to make additional cognitive efforts to eliminate information interference. The analyzed errors are determined by the multisubjectivity and asynchronous nature of dubbing. Preventing such errors by taking some organizational measures (provided in the author’s recommendations) will improve the quality of dubbing. The terminological apparatus of translation studies is replenished with the promising concept of “pseudo-one-language communication”.


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Received: 03/19/2021

Accepted: 10/20/2021

Accepted date: 01.02.2022

Keywords: accent, variation, dubbed translation, distortion, movie translation, inaccuracy, prosody

Available in the on-line version with: 30.09.2021

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Issue 4, 2021