ISSN 0201-7385. ISSN 2074-6636
En Ru
ISSN 0201-7385. ISSN 2074-6636
On the discursive-game turn in the modern theory and methodology of translation

On the discursive-game turn in the modern theory and methodology of translation


In the paper a new syncretic polyvector construct is introduced into scientific circulation — the discursive-game paradigm of translation, which is an organic combination and complementarity of the translation classical methodology of regular language correspondences and both free and quasi-translation methods and techniques of rendering into the target language of the untranslatable, as well as an adapted socially ordered translated context, meaningless speech acts, etc. The paradigm is built on the concept of complementarity (functional complementarity) and has an open character, which allows to adequately build up the explanatory and resolving power of its theoretical and methodological base.


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Received: 08/19/2021

Accepted: 10/10/2021

Accepted date: 30.10.2021

Keywords: discursive-game paradigm of translation; translation discourse, translator’s discourse; the aporia of “translatability-untranslatability”; quasitranslation; “meaningless” speech acts; the concept of complementarity, the concept of functional complementarity

Available in the on-line version with: 30.09.2021

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Issue 3, 2021