ISSN 0201-7385. ISSN 2074-6636
En Ru
ISSN 0201-7385. ISSN 2074-6636
Birth of romanticism: cross-cultural interaction and search for new literary forms

Birth of romanticism: cross-cultural interaction and search for new literary forms


Romanticism became a reflection of a new consciousness of peoples, a search for new literary forms, a return to national traditional literary forms and an appreciation of personality. It posed many questions that are still vital for the development of the Western civilization. These are: an individual versus society, an individual’s emotional experiences, duties, life and death, reason to live. The reconsideration of the ancient literature allowed poets to understand that literary works from a certain historical period reflect its way of life, therefore, any new era requires special expressive means that will suit it perfectly. Because of that, romanticism was regarded as the time of re-invention of old literary forms and that of renovation of some medieval genres providing writers with specific tools that made it possible to create new literary plots, genres, means of expression. That was the time when poets reconsidered the traditional French sonnet form “chant royal” and created their own fixed forms on its basis. Such cross-culture interaction is of great importance in terms of the pragmatic effect of the work both in its original form and translation alike. Any profound research into cross-culture interaction helps translators better understand the means used by the author, to interpret his or her idea in the most precise way possible and to show all the particularities of the author’s style, the period, the language and the poem itself.


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Received: 07/01/2019

Accepted: 08/01/2019

Accepted date: 30.09.2019

Keywords: stylistics, Romantic era, poetry, metrics, rhythmic system, rhyming, intercultural communication, cross-cultural interaction, fiction

Available in the on-line version with: 30.03.2019

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Issue 3, 2019