ISSN 0201-7385. ISSN 2074-6636
En Ru
ISSN 0201-7385. ISSN 2074-6636
From the author’s conception of Business English to the author’s conception of translation for business purposes

From the author’s conception of Business English to the author’s conception of translation for business purposes


The article presents the essentials of the author’s conception of Business English which is further elaborated to introduce and account for the author’s approach to translation for business purposes as based on the key concepts, methodological principles and translation techniques that are at the core of spoken and written business communication across cultures.


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Nazarova T.B. Osnovnye etapy v funkcional’noj stratifikacii slovarnogo sostava anglijskogo yazyka delovogo obshcheniya [The Main Stages in the Functional Stratification of Business English Vocabulary]. Proceedings of the VIII International Scientific Conference “Actual problems of linguistics and linguodidactics of foreign language of business and professional communication” (Moscow, RUDN University, April 19–20.2018). Moscow: RUDN, 2018, pp. 25– 28 (In Russian).

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Received: 04/01/2019

Accepted: 05/01/2019

Accepted date: 30.06.2019

Keywords: Business English, functional use, translation, unit of translation (conceptual orientation), unit of translation (communicative significance)

Available in the on-line version with: 30.03.2019

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Issue 2, 2019