ISSN 0201-7385. ISSN 2074-6636
En Ru
ISSN 0201-7385. ISSN 2074-6636
Hermeneutical methodological standard of translation in the mirror of transdisciplinarity (Part III: translator’s decision)

Hermeneutical methodological standard of translation in the mirror of transdisciplinarity (Part III: translator’s decision)


This article completes the thematic cycle “On the ‘hermeneutic turn’ in the modern theory and methodology of translation” and “Hermeneutic-translational methodological standard in the mirror of transdisciplinarity,” performed within the framework of the new research field at the Higher School of Translation aimed at theoretical understanding and practical introduction of hermeneutic strategies and tactics in the modern translation process. It was found that translational reflection reduces the assimilation of a translate to the original by successively explicit or implicit implementation of four basic cognitive constants: pre-understanding, understanding, interpretation and translation decision. The last one is the essence of the conceptually optimal variant of the method and form of a discursively equivalent / adequate assimilation of the translate to the original, rationally acceptable for a given text type and its functional and stylistic genre. The plurality of translation decisions concerning the same source text objectively depends on the given interlingual situation of goal-setting and the way the translation text is linked to a certain category of recipients or the translator’s subjective intentions.


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Received: 04/01/2019

Accepted: 05/01/2019

Accepted date: 30.06.2019

Keywords: hermeneutical translation standard; transdisciplinarity; source text; target text; translation decision / translator’s decision; plurality of translations

Available in the on-line version with: 30.03.2019

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Issue 2, 2019