ISSN 0201-7385. ISSN 2074-6636
En Ru
ISSN 0201-7385. ISSN 2074-6636
Demand for and Training of Russian Language Translators in the Context of the One Belt One Road Initiative (OBOR)

Demand for and Training of Russian Language Translators in the Context of the One Belt One Road Initiative (OBOR)


The article examines the general problems of training Russian-language translators in the PRC and their relevance in the framework of the development of The One Belt One Road Initiative. Based on the analysis of the history of translators’ training in China, the already existing practice of training and its advantages are determined. The importance of human resources as the first driving force behind the promotion of social and economic development is noted, as well as the importance of translators/interpreters who are professionally involved in the cross-cultural communication in the comprehensive promotion of a new model of international and regional economic cooperation. The idea of changing the status of the Russian language in promoting The One Belt One Road Initiative is proposed, which determines the change in the training of translators/interpreters, which, along with the orientation to one language and one country, should be transformed into the training of translators/interpreters in Russian-speaking countries. The importance of combining external and internal factors to achieve results in the historical reconstruction of the training of Russian-language translators/interpreters is shown.


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PDF, ru

Received: 07/01/2017

Accepted: 08/01/2017

Accepted date: 30.09.2017

Keywords: One Belt One Road Initiative, a translator specialist in Russian, demand, training translators/interpreters

Available in the on-line version with: 01.10.2017

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Issue 3, 2017