ISSN 0201-7385. ISSN 2074-6636
En Ru
ISSN 0201-7385. ISSN 2074-6636
Syntactic Parallels as a Linguodidactic Problem in the Theory and Practice of Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language to Future Translators

Syntactic Parallels as a Linguodidactic Problem in the Theory and Practice of Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language to Future Translators


The article provides a linguodidactic perspective on targeted training while taking into account psycholinguistic factors influencing the generation of future interpreters’ response and syntactic synonyms that are close, but not identical, in meaning to one another. The author analyzes the importance of the use of simple sentences in speech as well as possibilities of their usage while considering semantics and the presence of synonymous constructions. The author provides the reader with numerous examples to illustrate the idea that selecting specific syntactic synonyms implies both their deep rethinking on the part of the students and systemic commenting on the part of the teachers.


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PDF, ru

Received: 07/01/2017

Accepted: 08/01/2017

Accepted date: 30.09.2017

Keywords: psycholinguistic factors, foreign language personality, speech activity, synonymy, syntactic synonyms, simple sentence, semantics, structure, types, predicate, predicativity

Available in the on-line version with: 01.10.2017

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Issue 3, 2017