ISSN 0201-7385. ISSN 2074-6636
En Ru
ISSN 0201-7385. ISSN 2074-6636
Linguistics of color as a key to understanding the figurative structure of a literary text

Linguistics of color as a key to understanding the figurative structure of a literary text


The article is devoted to the linguistics of color as an urgent general method of linguistic research into color and as instruments of translation of texts containing terms of color (words with a color component). The problems of such translation are presented in the article against the background of theoretic aspects of linguistics of color as a sphere of contemporary linguistic studies. The linguistics of color is represented as a widely elaborated sphere of linguistic knowledge which has its worked-out notable directions, research institutions and a range of investigating problems. The basic concepts of the linguistics of color are analyzed from the perspective of pragmatics and are embodied into the practice of translation. Linguistics of color’s critical apparatus is considered on the basis of linguistic colorimetry as a collection of particular methods contributing to understanding and translation of texts with color terms. The comprehension of color terms and possibilities of their translation depend on determining their role in the lexical systems of both the source and target languages and their place in the linguistic worldviews. 

Results. The experience of color terms research concentrated in the linguistics of color and embodied in the linguistic colorimetry’s critical apparatus creates possibilities (on the basis of linguistic colorimetry methods and methods of contrastive analysis) for working out different ways of translating this lexical class. The results of the research consist in disclosure of complicated moments of texts with terms of color, the describing of translation’s problems, the compiling of recommendations as to how to deal with the terms of color and eliminate the translation problems and create a natural linguistic environment in the translated text. 

Conclusions. The elimination of translation problems can be reached by using critical apparatus of linguistic colorimetry. This apparatus of disclosure of ethnic color priorities and ethnic color inclinations was created in the linguistics of color and concentrated in the linguistic colorimetry. The linguistic colorimetry based on linguistics of color is a useful collection of methods and recommendations. It is an effective mechanism contributing to the practice of understanding and translation of the figurative structure of lexical units with color components.


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Received: 07/16/2023

Accepted: 11/06/2023

Accepted date: 18.11.2023

Keywords: linguistics of color, term of color, translation, contrastive analyses, the Russian language, the Polish language

DOI: 10.55959/MSU2074-6636-22-2023-16-3-52-71

Available in the on-line version with: 25.11.2023

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Issue 3, 2023