ISSN 0201-7385. ISSN 2074-6636
En Ru
ISSN 0201-7385. ISSN 2074-6636
Modern trends in domestic translation studies: a review of the monograph by Mishkurov E.N. and Novikova M.G. “Cognitive­Hermeneutic Approach to Translation Theory and Methodology.” Moscow: Flinta, 2020

Modern trends in domestic translation studies: a review of the monograph by Mishkurov E.N. and Novikova M.G. “Cognitive­Hermeneutic Approach to Translation Theory and Methodology.” Moscow: Flinta, 2020


A review of the monograph by Mishkurov E.N. and Novikova M.G. “Cognitive-Hermeneutic Approach to Translation Theory and Methodology.” Moscow: Flinta, 2020. 300 p.


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Received: 11/01/2020

Accepted: 12/01/2020

Accepted date: 31.12.2020

Keywords: review, translation

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Issue 4, 2020