ISSN 0201-7385. ISSN 2074-6636
En Ru
ISSN 0201-7385. ISSN 2074-6636
Problems of translating legal eponyms

Problems of translating legal eponyms


This article addresses the phenomenon of eponymy in legal terminology as a translation problem. Dictionary definitions of eponyms show inconsistencies in treating these units by lexicographers. The examples given are indicative of eponymic terms both in legal English and legal Russian being complex units of nomination. Legal eponyms generate technical terminology that is challenging for perception and comprehension; its translation requires explication techniques. Such recent neologisms as Brexit and Megxit, which have emerged as eponymic internationalisms, allow to emphasize the significance of studying eponymy in the language of the legal profession and in legal translation.


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Keywords: Brexit, eponymic internationalisms, explication of meaning, legal English terminology, legal Russian terminology, legal translation, legal eponyms, Megxit, personal names, toponyms

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Issue 3, 2020